A postcard on university in Guangzhou, The Sun Yat-sen University (中山大学). It shows a Ming Dynasty paifang, a traditional chinese architectural form of archway. The Scholars Paifang (乙丑进士牌坊) is built in 1635 (明崇祯八年) to commemorative seven scholars from Guangdong Province of 1625 (明天启五年). In 1947, when the road at the original site needed to be widen, it was relocated into the Lingnan University (嶺南大學). This university is then incorporated into Sun Yat-sen University in 1953. It was removed during the Cultural Revolution and only restore in 1999. At the same time, the original campus of Lingnan University, including this paifang, is declared as heritage site by Guangzhou Municipal Government. Thanks Jane.

It was sent from Guangzhou Beijing Road 2 (广州 北京路 2) on 22.3.2009. The 03 was partially seen, looks like 05. The current definitive stamps, with the total amount of 4.50Yuan, were used. They are comprised of 1.50 Yuan environmental awareness stamp, 2 Yuan and 1 Yuan bird stamps.