Saturday, September 8, 2012


A postcard promoting the usage of postal saving bank card, known as postal green card (邮政储蓄绿卡). The ID for this card is 2004-1601(BK)-0218(5-2). Thanks kalee.

This postcard was pre-printed with 60 Fen kite stamp. It was sent from Shenzhen and machine-cancelled with "Guangdong Shenzhen Zhongxinju (Ji) 2" (广东 深圳 中心局(机)2) on 9.1.2010. As there was not additional stamp, this underpaid postcard was stamped with a T mark and hand-written with "240". Upon closer inspection, another red-color rectangle box was found at the bottom right and cancelled with a cross using pencil. It is a postal due with Yen as currency and "54" was written there. It is suspected that this card was miss sent to Japan. Due to under-franked, it was prepared to be charged. However, it was found out wrongly sent. So, the postage due was cancelled. 

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