A multiple view postcard from Vienna (Wien). Most of landmarks from this city are shown. They are Staatsoper, Parlament, Schloß Sch
önbrunn, Volksoper, Volkstheater, Sezession, Holburg, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Strephansdom, Strauß Denkmal, Gloriette Donaudampfer, Hochstrahlbrunnen, Hofreitschule, Karlskirche, Burgtheater, Belvedere and Riesenrad. These places are mostly included in two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, "Historic Centre of Vienna" and "Palace and Gardens of Sch
önbrunn." Thanks dixie-lady.
A of 145 cents building definitive stamps were used. They were machine cancelled in Wien 1000 on 14.5.2013.
Nice multiview :)