A 100 ore definitive stamp and a 8.00 winter leisure stamp were used to send this postcard. They are cancelled at Sydjyllands on 1.12.2009.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Winter morning in Nyhavn, a waterfront district in København (Copenhagen). This district has colorful 17th and early 18th century townhouse in front of the canal. This heritage port has its canal packed with wooden boats. Thanks annab3783.

A 100 ore definitive stamp and a 8.00 winter leisure stamp were used to send this postcard. They are cancelled at Sydjyllands on 1.12.2009.

A 100 ore definitive stamp and a 8.00 winter leisure stamp were used to send this postcard. They are cancelled at Sydjyllands on 1.12.2009.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
A view of Toronto skyline from the Toronto Island Airport. The CN Tower, a communication and observatory tower and also the tallest structure in Toronto, is seen projected from downtown Toronto. Thanks renegade_Cavalcade. Two meter cancellation could be seen printed on this postcard on 25.11.2009 by postal sorting machine with postcode L8E 2RD.

A $1.65 Quatchi, mascot of Vancouver Winter Olympic, stamp is used. After twice not able to cancel this stamp, finally, it was done manually. A round shape Toronto ??L 3TO cancelled this stamp on 26.11.2009, the next time after this postcard was processed in the sorting machine.

A $1.65 Quatchi, mascot of Vancouver Winter Olympic, stamp is used. After twice not able to cancel this stamp, finally, it was done manually. A round shape Toronto ??L 3TO cancelled this stamp on 26.11.2009, the next time after this postcard was processed in the sorting machine.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A multiview postcard from Castelo Novo, a historical village in Fundão. On the upper left is lgreja da Misericórdia. Panorama village of this village on the upper right. Torre de Menage is at the bottom right. Beira Baixa in the lower left. Thanks miceu.

This card was sent from Devesas(?) (V.N. Gaia) with postcode 4400 on 2.12.2009. A €0,80 African cuisine stamp was used to pay its postage.

This card was sent from Devesas(?) (V.N. Gaia) with postcode 4400 on 2.12.2009. A €0,80 African cuisine stamp was used to pay its postage.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A postcard showing the Praia Formosa (Formosa Beach) in Santa Maria Island, Açores (Azores), in the Atlantic Ocean. This place is famous on this island for its white sandy beach across the bay. Thanks joaninha.

A €0.80 figure head stamp was used to send this postcard. It was sent from mainland Portugal and cancelled at Redondo with postcode 7170 on 30.11.2009.

A €0.80 figure head stamp was used to send this postcard. It was sent from mainland Portugal and cancelled at Redondo with postcode 7170 on 30.11.2009.
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