It was sent from Shandong Zhucheng Yingye 1 (山东 诸城 营业 1) on 23.8.2009. A 60 Fen flower stamp was pre-printed on the postcard. Another two bird definitive stamps, with face values, 80 Fen and 4.20 Yuan, were added to increase the postage paid.

It was sent from Shandong Zhucheng Yingye 1 (山东 诸城 营业 1) on 23.8.2009. A 60 Fen flower stamp was pre-printed on the postcard. Another two bird definitive stamps, with face values, 80 Fen and 4.20 Yuan, were added to increase the postage paid.
A 290 Fen joint issue with Singapore stamp (1996-28, 2-2) and a 10 Fen envinronmental stamp were used to make up the ordinal international postcard rate. It was sent from Beijing Suzhoujie 15 (北京 苏州街 15) on 17.8.2009.