Tuesday, May 15, 2012


A multiview postcard of Santiago de Chile. The first row (from left to right) shows Iglesia de Los Dominicos, Sector de Providencia, and Sector de Apoquindo. The second row shows Vista desde el cerro S. Cristóbal, Sector de Las Condes, and Plaza Italia. The last row shows Estación Central, Museo de Bellas Artes, and Valle Nevado. Thanks Antartique.

A $310 Christmas stamp of 2009 and a $280 Francisco Valdés Subercaseaux stamp were used to pay its postage. A red-color cancellation was used to cancel these stamps on 22.12.2009. The postmark is not clear, only partial place name, "...larrica", is seen. According to Muriel, it may be from Villarrica.