Monday, July 8, 2024


A postcard showing a Buddhist temple in Jaffna, Nagadeepa Purana Vihara (Sinhala: නාගදීප පුරාණ විහාරය, Tamil: நயினாதீவு நாக விகாரை). Thanks Dr. Mikram.

A Rs 45.00 stamp on UPU anniversary and a Rs 25.00 butterfly stamp were used. They are cancelled on 22.5.2024. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


A postal card from Croatia showing personality, Ivo Horvat, a botanist. A round-shaped stamp with face value 1,14€ was used to up-rate the postage. Thanks Dragan

At the back, it is for message. Include here is the blog of the sender. Everyone is welcome to visit it at

Monday, June 3, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in volleyball (排球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-01. Thanks Xiaojun. 

A 1.50 Yuan Rio 2016 stamp (2016-20, 2-2), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on Cantonese opera (2017-25, 3-1) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 3 (广州经济技术开发区3) on 30.3.2024.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in shooting (射击). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-54. Thanks Xiaojun. 

A 1.50 Yuan stamp on Maritime Silk Road (2016-26, 6-5), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on ancient myth (2019-17, 6-6) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Kaifaqu 3 ( 广州 经济开发区3) on 30.3.2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in bowling (保龄球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-33. Thanks Xiaojun. 

A 1.50 Yuan lychee stamp (2016-18, 4-4), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on ancient town (2013-12, 8-5) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 1 (广州经济技术开发区1) on 20.2.2024.

Friday, May 3, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in trampoline (蹦床). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-29. Thanks Xiaojun.

A 1.50 Yuan Rio 2016 stamp (2016-20, 2-2), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on ancient town (2013-12, 8-4) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 1 (广州经济技术开发区1) on 20.2.2024.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in cue sports (台球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-34. Thanks Xiaojun.

A 1.50 Yuan Rio 2016 stamp (2016-20, 2-2), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on ancient town (2013-12, 8--4) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 1 (广州经济技术开发区1) on 20.2.2024.

Monday, April 29, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot playing table tennis or ping pong  (乒乓球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-47. Thanks Xiaojun.

A 1.50 Yuan stamp on watermelon (2016-18, 4-3), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on apricot (2016-18, 4-1) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Kaifaqu 1 ( 广州 经济开发区1) on 20.2.2024.

Saturday, April 27, 2024



A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot playing football (足球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-37. Thanks Xiaojun.

A 1.50 Yuan Rio 2016 stamp (2016-20, 2-2), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on Cantonese opera (2017-25, 3-2) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 3 (广州经济技术开发区3) on 21.2.2024.

Thursday, April 25, 2024


A postcard on Guangzhou Asian Games showing mascot competing in golf (高尔夫球). ID no. is GD.GZYD-56-09. Thanks Xiaojun.

A 1.50 Yuan Rio 2016 stamp (2016-20, 2-2), a 1.20 Yuan stamp on Shanghai Disney Resort (2016-14, 2-1) and a 80 Fen ship personalized stamp were used. They were cancelled at Guangzhou Jingji Jishu Kaifaqu 3 (广州经济技术开发区3) on 21.2.2024.