Liuhe Pagoda or Six Harmonies Pagoda (六和塔) by the side of the Qiantang River (钱塘江) in Hangzhou (杭州). It is located at the foot of Yuelun Hill (月轮山). The original pagoda was built by Wuyue state (吴越) to calm the tidal bore of the Qiantang River and also served as navigation landmark. However, the pagoda was completely destroyed by warfare in 1121. It was rebuilt during Southern Song Dynasty. The pagoda is listed in National Heritage List. Thanks semper_fi.
The back of the postcard is full of stamps. They are three 1.20 Yuan greeting stamps, a 80 Fen greeting stamp and a 10 Fen definitive stamp of environmental theme. The total amount of postage paid is 4.50 Yuan, the international postcard airmail rate. The stamps were cancelled at Hangzhou Wulinguangchang 1 (杭州 武林广场 1) on 19.7.2009.
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