Sunday, January 5, 2020


A multi-view postcard on Vitoria-Gasteiz in Basque Country. The upper center photo shows the San Miguel Arcangel Church and the Virgen Blanca Square. On the bottom right showing the tower of Church of San Vicente Mártir. Thanks Josep & Assumpta.

A 1,50€ stamp was used and meter postmarked at CTA Barcelona on 19.11.2019.

Friday, January 3, 2020


An artist impression on one of the building in China West Normal University (西华师范大学). This building was the old office of Hu Yaobang (胡耀邦办公旧址). Thanks Ahguai.


This card was sent by airmail; a 1.50 Yuan Cantonese Opera stamp (2017-25, 3-3), a 2.80 Yuan artist (2001-3, 6-6) and a 80 Fen child play stamp (2017-13, 6-1) were used. They are cancelled at Sichuan Nanchong Renminzhonglu 4 (四川南充 人民中路4) on 10.11.2019. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


An artistic postcard for summer time showing a piece of watermelon. Thanks Ahguai.

This card was sent by surface mail; a 80 Fen zodiac personalized stamp, a 2.80 Yuan artist (2001-3, 6-6) and a 1.20 Yuan Cantonese Opera stamp (2017-25, 3-2) were used. They are cancelled at Sichuan Nanchong Renminzhonglu 4 (四川南充 人民中路4) on 10.11.2019.