A lottery greeting postal card from Shandong Province
showing cultural show in black & white. The ID no. is
10-370103-13-0371-006. Thanks Baicai.
This card comes with an 80 Fen imprint stamp on Year of the Tiger.
Two different 1.20 Yuan stamps on Year of the Rooster (2017-1, 2-1 & 2-2)
were used together with a 1.20 Yuan ancient city stamp (2016-12, 6-1) and a 80
Fen stamp on mountain scenery (2015-14, 3-1) to up-rate this postal card. They
were cancelled at Jiangxi Fengcheng Xincheng Yingye (江西丰城 新城营业) on 19.8.2018.