A lottery postal card from Fengcheng, Jiangxi Province (江西省丰城).
It shows the artifacts found in Hongzhouyao Archaeology Site (洪州窑遗址).
The ID no. is 2008-1405(BK)-0260(10-1). Thanks Baicai. An arrival postmark of Kuantan M2 was found on this side of the card and it was stamped on 23.2.2018.
An 1.20 Yuan stamps on China-ASEAN Expo (2013-18, 1-1) and a
3 Yuan petroleum dwelling stamp (2013-2, 3-3) used to up-rate this postal card
with an 80 Fen imprint stamp on Year of the Rat. They were cancelled at Jiangxi
Fengcheng Xinchengqu 1 (江西 丰城 新城区1) on 8.2.2018.