Monday, May 30, 2011


A postcard showing the Central Peak Mountain (中央尖山) of Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家公園). This park is located in the eastern part of the island. Its area is spreaded across three counties: Hualien, Nantou and Taizhong. Thanks Triya.

This postcard was sent from this national park at Tianxiang, Xiulin (秀林 天祥) in Hualien County on 27.11.2009. Three definitive stamps were used on this postcard. They are NT$3.50 bird, NT$2.50 orchid and NT$5.00 flower.

A scenery cancellation of this national park was stamped at the bottom of this postcard.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Walkway for close-up view of Iguassus Falls (Cataratas do Iguaçu), waterfalls of Iguazu River, which forms the natural border of Brazil (State of Paraná) and Argentina (Province of Misiones). Both side of the fall are protected as national parks and also listed in UNESCO World Heritage List. The Brazillian side is inside Iguaçu National Park. Thanks Luciano.

This postcard was sent from AC-Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, MG on 17.11.2009. Two stamps were used to pay its postage, they are R$0,10 trumpet stamp and R$1,05 Octávio Frias de Oliveira Bridge stamp.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Magnolia plantation and its gardens, a historical place with house and garden belong to the Drayton family. On the postcard, this wooden bridge is a focal point of visiting.This place is situated at 3550 Ashley River Road (Highway 61), Charleston, South Carolina. Thanks uscshameless. A long white sticker was pasted at the bottom for printing post office bar code.

Three stamps were used to make up the international mail postage. They are 10 cents American clock, First class stamp of Liberty Bell and 44 cents wedding rings. This postcard was sent from Columbia SC 292 on 17.11.2009.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Saint Isaac's Cathedral or Isaakievskiy Sobor (Исаакиевский Собор) at the background of this St. Petersburg postcard, with a bronze Mounument of Nicholas I looking at the building. This is the scenery of St. Issac's Square in the center of the city. It is also part of the UNESCO World Heritage of "Historic Center of St. Petersburg and Related Group of Monuments". Thanks Jessi.

A 8.00p. bridge stamp, a 1.00p. Ostankino palace (Останкино) stamp and a 10p. Moscow Kremlin stamp were used to send this postcard. It was sent from Ростов-на-Дону (Rostov-on-Don) on 17.11.2009.